Breishit: Cain's Fear
Noah's Vineyard
Noah: Time for Straight Talk
Lech Lecha: Call to Action
Lech Lecha: The Great Treasure
VaYeira: The Tzaddikim of Sodom
VaYeira: Abraham's Reward
Chayei Sarah: Ephron's Loss
Chayei Sarah: Eliezer at the Well
Toldot: "Bring Me a Tasty Dish"
Toldot: "I am Esau Your First-Born"
VaYeitzei: The Son and the Wallet
VaYeitzei: Rachel was Barren
VaYishlach: No Need to be Jealous!
VaYishlach: Jacob's Sons Spoke
VaYeishev: The Ugly Present
Mikeitz: Joseph's Wise Advice
VaYigash: Pharoah's Wagons
VaYechi: Kindness and Truth
VaYechi: "Cursed Be Their Rage"